Despite sheepmeat prices remaining at a considerable premium to beef returns, the ongoing decline...
Jim Bergin exits Tirlán
Next July will mark the end of an extraordinarily successful career in the Irish dairy sector for...
Campaign for justice
Hats off to Deputy Jackie Cahill who continues to campaign on behalf of farmer, Dan Brennan and his...
McCarthy to chair Townview
Justin McCarthy has joined Townview as executive chair.
A step closer
Just before Christmas, we had some good news in relation to Irish beef exports when the Department...
The Padraig Walshe Centre of Excellence
How appropriate that the proposed Centre for Sustainable Animal and Grassland Research to be developed...
No smoke yet from Ornua
Ornua is another dairy-related body on the lookout for a new CEO.
Commodity trends for 2024
Last year ended with commodity prices trending upwards. Milk prices received a 2c/L lift for November...
Zoë’s legacy
Zoë Kavanagh is leaving the National Dairy Council (NDC) after 12 years as CEO. She will be missed...
Throwing out the baby
An Taisce may be in danger of falling foul of the Law of Unintended Consequences in seeking a judicial...
We have been increasing our milk output since 2015. A combination of existing producer expansion as...
Macra anniversary
Macra will celebrate its 80th anniversary next year.
Ploughing returns to Ratheniska
Despite rumours of a venue relocation by the National Ploughing Association (NPA) for next year’s...
McGuinness will not contest Euro elections
Commissioner Mairead McGuinness has served as an MEP since 2004, becoming first vice-president before...
Drastic fall in grain output
If there was any doubt about the impact of weather on this year’s grain harvest, The Harvest Report...
Fixing milk prices
Hedging milk prices got a bad reputation because of the unprecedented price volatility last year and,...
The Women in Dairy conference, which took place last month, is another example of womanpower coming...
Pearson expansion
Pearson, the family-owned milking technology company, has ambitious growth plans.
BBC to drop Farm Gate from Radio Ulster
Over 30 years ago, Farm Gate started as a standalone radio programme serving rural communities in...
Tractor of the Year 2024
The Tractor of the Year (TOTY) Awards will be announced this month at Agritechnica, in Germany.