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Livestock farmers invited to attend food system research workshop

Livestock farmers – beef, dairy, sheep, poultry and goat – in Kerry and surrounding areas are invited to attend a Munster Technological University (MTU) workshop on food-system research.

The event is hosted by the Food Resource Efficiency Decision (FRED) support hub at MTU North Campus in Tralee, Co. Kerry on Tuesday, May 7 between 2pm-4pm. The workshop aims to better understand the needs of those working within the food system. It will focus on:

  • Routes to market;
  • Business sustainability;
  • Increasing profits; and
  • Decreasing waste.

The workshop will also provide an opportunity for livestock farmers to network and develop ways to work with each other to strengthen their business and benefit the local economy.
The workshop, which is being delivered as part of the second phase of the FRED project, is working to better understand the challenges and opportunities for food loss and waste prevention in different sectors of the Irish food system. The event will be followed by refreshments, including finger food from local meat and dairy producers.
Register for the event here: